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Inspired by nature we created 'Green Antz'. If you watch ants for a while, you realise that they have a very specific way of communicating with each other. They all follow the system and fulfill their orders. For some reason it reminded us of human behaviour and our society that dictates us our 'norms". We are no rebells, but really just two normal people who try to think out of the box - or to put it into the ants' context: we'd like to break out of the (ants) trail and not follow the mass but taking an alternative way...

But we also want to entertain you and hope we get you excited for our project, because without your help and support, this probably won’t be possible. So share and like this blog, spread the word and get involved!  Because after our 3 months trip through Europe where we hopefully get to learn a lot about alternative energy and sustainable housing, we will set up a workbase in Chile, where you can get involved! Everyone who wants to join us and become part of our project, can stay there for free and learn on the site how to build a sustainable house. With all the knowledge gathered on this trip, we then will be able to apply it for our own case and are happy to share it with you.


So stay tuned and follow us on our journey around the globe, starting from Australia and ending it in South America. Our construction site will be in the southern region of beautiful Chile, close to the city of ‘Temuco’. You have the Andes and plenty of national parks close by, and less than a couple of hours away, you’ll be at the beach. We invite you to become part of our project. Meet us in Europe and/or come help us constructing in Chile (for a few weeks or a few days, totally up to you!). While you are there, you stay and eat for free. And on top of that you will learn a lot about sustainable technology, renewable energy and make new contacts, so you can go home and start your own project.





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